tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

Tims Ford Reservoir

Photo of tims ford reservoir and shoreline

Tims Ford Reservoir is on the Elk River in south central Tennessee. It extends 34 miles upstream to the northeast from Tims Ford Dam.

Tims Ford’s sprawling arms of water are popular with canoeists, kayakers, and anglers.

In addition to power generation and recreation, Tims Ford provides water supply and flood damage reduction downstream on the Elk River, primarily for Fayetteville, Tennessee.

Tracking water temperatures on the Elk River

TVA monitors water temperatures in the Elk River closely so that it can adjust the operation of Tims Ford Dam to protect the diversity of aquatic life, including a cold-water trout fishery and endangered species and sport fish that require warm water.

More information on Tims Ford Reservoir

Operating guide

Daily reservoir operation information

Sportfish survey results

Sportfish ratings

Ecological health ratings

Tailwater improvements

Recreation facilities

Recreation release schedule




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