TVA Region Precipitation

Rain Gauge Data

Want to keep track of rainfall in the Valley? No need to buy your own gauge. TVA receives data from 283 rain gauges strategically located in watersheds across the TVA regions. In addition, it also gets data from 62 gauges on the Cumberland River system that are operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and 29 gauges in watersheds throughout the Valley operated by the U.S. Geological survey.

TVA uses this information together with data from stream gauges and Doppler radar to make water management decisions—for example, whether to store the water coming into the river system during flood events or release it to make room for potential floodwaters yet to come.

The National Weather Service, municipalities and other government agencies also use information from TVA's rain gauges. Now you can, too.

See rainfall amounts for local watersheds on our Local Rainfall Map.

To access rain data, use the pull-down menus below. First, select a gauge location near you and then choose the time period that interests you. Next choose the format in which you’d like to see the data and hit the “extract” button. It’s that easy.

Select State(s)

Select Gauges

Windows Users
Hold CTRL and click to select multiple sites.


Mac Users
Hold Command and click to select multiple sites.

Select Time Period of Data

Select Format